Although we know more about the of alcohol than we did in the past, there are still some popular myths about alcoholism and drinking problems. Learning the truth as opposed to the myths can help you make healthy decisions. In fact a significant number of them will be doing relatively well in life. These high functioning addicts can have good jobs and a family that adores them. It may even be that heavy drinking is considered the norm within their profession. So long as they are able to perform well there will not be much pressure on them to reduce their intake.

In myths about alcoholism, alcohol addiction is a physiological condition. Once alcohol abuse has progressed to alcoholism, the physical component of the disease is stronger than the mental component. For heavy drinkers, initial abstinence from alcohol requires medical supervision to avoid the harmful effects of alcohol withdrawal. Today more than ever, we know much more about the disease of addiction than we ever have in the past. However, there are still myths about drinking that leads to misconceptions and unhealthy decisions when it comes to alcohol consumption.

Myths About Alcohol and Underage Drinking

Some are highly functional and are able to hide their drinking behaviors, while others can no longer control or hide their alcohol abuse. According to a Gallup poll, alcohol consumption is highest among America’s educated, high-income earners. About 80% of college graduates and 78% of high-income earners with annual salaries of $75,000 or more reported drinking alcohol. The white-collar corporate executive sitting next to you may very well be a closet alcoholic. Although it is a serious disease, there is treatment for alcohol use disorder. Unfortunately, only about 15-20% of people with alcoholism get help from doctors or treatment programs.

substance use disorders

It’s important to cut through the alcoholism myths and learn the facts. In my experience, the honest approach works better than people imagine. Once you get over your fear of the occasional judgment, saying you’re in recovery can be one of the best conversation starters. A 12-ounce bottle of regular beer has the same amount of alcohol as a 5-ounce glass of wine , or 1.5 ounce shot of liquor or distilled spirits . Drinking while taking pain relievers may increase your risk of liver problems, stomach bleeding, or other problems.

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Family members, friends and co-workers often need to participate in an intervention to convince an alcoholic that treatment is needed. Many alcoholics resist treatment and only begin to want to be helped after recovery is underway. Fortunately, research into alcoholism recovery has found that the reason an alcoholic enters treatment is not a predictor of the treatment outcome.


For your consideration, here are some of the services offered by our world-class facilities. These programs are similar to the IOPs but require fewer days at the treatment facility, for fewer hours. Once again, another stop along the continuum of care meant to ease the transition into normal life. Also sometimes called partial hospitalization programs, IOPs offer a second level of care. Depending on the severity of the patient’s AUD and their support network at home, this may be a good alternative to a residential program.

Tools & Resources

We know much more about the effects of alcohol today than in the past. Learn the facts about alcohol use so you can make healthy decisions. Alcohol can potentially be addictive, but this doesn’t apply to everyone. Individuals may be genetically predisposed to develop alcoholism; for one person, one drink may be enough to lead to a downward spiral if the person has a family history of alcoholism. Others may drink heavily and frequently, but their drinking behaviors do not necessarily lead to alcohol addiction.

Which country drinks the most alcohol?

Belarus, a country that drinks the most liters of pure alcohol than any other country in the world, was also classified as having one the riskiest pattern of drinking.

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